Cynthia Vincze CPA, CMA
You can focus on growing your business
I can manage your banking, bookkeeping, financing, government grants, payroll, taxes, … and EVERYTHING ACCOUNTING
Cynthia Vincze CPA, CMA provides full-service accounting and tax services to business owners and professionals in the GTA. With over 22 years of experience across many industries, Cynthia helps most by managing the accounting and back-office systems, so her clients can focus on operations and growth.
Cynthia Vincze Professional Corporation was incorporated in 2017.
Let us manage your data with QuickBooks Online, integrate OCR receipt capture and other helpful apps, to provide efficient record keeping solutions. With this, we keep your books up to date and ensure your reporting deadlines are met.
A virtual office allows for flexible online meetings. In person appointments in the Mississauga/Oakville area are available upon request. Learn more about our services, including compilation engagements, financial reporting, corporate & individual tax returns, GST/HST, payroll, T4’s, source deductions, WSIB, voluntary disclosures and business incorporations.
Meet Cynthia Vincze CPA, CMA
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Feel like your paperwork is getting away from you?
Trust Cynthia & her team to keep you organized.
Business and Individual Services
Compilation Engagement
A compilation engagement is a type of engagement where a company engages an outside accountant to prepare and present financial statements. It is not designed to express an opinion or provide assurance regarding the information contained in the financial statement.
Financial Reporting
Otherwise known as the income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows and owner’s equity, these statements are necessary to complete the corporate tax return. Trends can be detected and used strategically when data is compiled and reviewed more frequently.
Corporate Tax Returns
The corporate tax return, also called the T2 return is to be filed annually. Filing is due 6 months after the fiscal year end date. If any taxes are owing, payment is due 3 months after the fiscal year end date.
Goods and services tax or harmonized sales tax rates vary by province. The rules surrounding gst/hst are complex and should be discussed in detail with your accountant to avoid costly mistakes.
Payroll, Source Deductions & T4’s
The concept of employee vs contractor is important to understand. You need to know the rules to prevent errors. Payroll tax is due monthly on the 15th of the subsequent month. At the end of each calendar year employers are required to produce at T4 slip for each employee and reconcile the payroll tax.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is in place to protect workers. Rates depend on the industry you work in and the type of work being performed. Reporting is done on the calendar quarters, payments are due by the end of the subsequent month.
Voluntary Disclosure Program
Taxpayers can make an application to correct inaccurately reported or incomplete information, or to disclose information not previously reported on the tax return.
Business Incorporations
Are you wondering if you should incorporate your business? We will help you consider the relevant facts and choose the right decision on whether to incorporate. Incorporations include comprehensive articles which will both protect the shareholders and have necessary options to expand without having to re-write the articles for each required change.
Individual Tax Returns
The individual tax return, also called the T1 return is to be filed annually by April 30th of the subsequent year.